I suggest you different web pages and encourage you to surf ...- Greetings:
More exercises
Try with these exercises
- Exchanging personal information.
Listen to these people:
Complete with the right information.
- Spelling: Listen to the Alphabet
Now you know the alphabet, check this phonemic chart:
Listen to the sounds: phonemic chart
These links can be very useful for all through the year.
A dictionary
A useful vocabulary link
This is also interesting
Another one
A link for a wide range of topic
One more
- Numbers. cardinals and ordinals
- Days of the week and months of the year.
Some music
- Personal information: countries and nationalities, jobs. Some practise Jobs
Britsh Council web page
A very interesting page for grammar exercises online
Another one
What about this one?
Another suggestion
- to be: exercises online
- to have: exercises online
- possessive adjectives: have a look and practice
- question words: practice more practice
- make positive, negative sentences and questions
- To finish this Introduction here you have a positive message. You can do the exercises above.
Fill in the gaps